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10 Biblical Funeral Prayers for a Christian Funeral Service

Posted on March 6, 2018 May 29, 2018 by Daniel — 4 Comments 10 Biblical Funeral Prayers for a Christian Funeral Service Last Updated on May 29, 2018 Biblical funeral prayers are one important way for Christians to honor God, show their trust and faith in him, and proclaim his goodness and sovereignty over all of life’s affairs. In life and in death our hope is in God and in the saving work of Jesus his Son. So it is right to pray at a Christian’s funeral service. Prayer is an act of worship, an act of trust, and an act of obedience. As such, funeral prayers are profoundly comforting to believers and a wonderful testimony of the deceased’s faith in Christ. Additionally, because we believe that the Bible is our rule of faith and conduct, it is good to pray Biblical funeral prayers that are taken directly from the Scriptures. This, again, is a way to honor God by proclaiming his word. The Word and prayer are also means of grace by which the Holy Spirit encourages and co...

Lesson 13 Prayers of Praise: Revelation (Revelation 4 & 5)

Lesson 13 Prayers of Praise: Revelation (Revelation 4 & 5) Print this lesson | Bookmark/Share: Introduction: Do you remember what we discovered about the beginning of all the famous prayers we have studied so far this quarter? They started out with praise to God! In our last study of this quarter, we look more closely at this idea of praise in prayer. Let's dive in! Holy, Holy, Holy Read Revelation 4:1 . Imagine you are John (the writer of Revelation) and this is you standing before an open door in heaven. Would the voice have to ask you twice to come through the door? How interested are you in the future? (John is offered a peek at the future. So, let's go look with him!) Read Revelation 4:2-3 . What is the first thing John sees in the future? Who do you think this is? (God) When ...

Lesson 12 Prayers for the Church: Paul (Ephesians 1)

Lesson 12 Prayers for the Church: Paul (Ephesians 1) Print this lesson | Bookmark/Share: Introduction: How is your local church? Does it need help? Do you feel the problems are too big for you to handle? This week our study is the first chapter of Ephesians. Paul, while under house arrest in Rome, writes a letter of encouragement to the church in Ephesus. Although the letter is not a prayer, it reveals the nature of Paul's prayers for this church and the type of prayer and attitude we can have towards our local congregation. Let's jump into our study! The Blessings Read Ephesians 1:1 . How did Paul become an apostle of Jesus? How do you become one? Is it God's will that you become a disciple?(We will learn more about this later in this chapter.) Is Paul writing to good people? (It sure sounds li...

Lesson 11 The High Priestly Prayer: Jesus (John 17)

Lesson 11 The High Priestly Prayer: Jesus (John 17) Print this lesson | Bookmark/Share: Introduction: Do you wish you had someone to watch over you? Someone who really cared about your problems and your future? Do you show this kind of care and love for others? This week we see God's unselfish compassion for us as we continue our study of Jesus' last hours on earth. Last week we studied Jesus' words of comfort to His disciples before He was taken from them. This week we look at His prayer for His disciples. Let's dive in! Take Heart! Put yourself in the place of one of the disciples at the Last Supper (Jesus last meal before being crucified). Compare your dreams of the future versus what we now know happened? (They were dreaming of being earthly rulers. ( Acts 1:6 ) Instead, Jesus was crucified ...