Visuals in preaching: increasing the impact of your biblical sermons Derek Morris , Patrica Hofer Derek J. Morris, D.Min., is senior pastor at Forest Lake Church, Apopka, Florida, and author of Powerful Biblical Preaching: Practical Pointers From Master Preachers. Patricia Hofer is an associate pastor at Forest Lake Church. P reachers work with words. We prayerfully study the Word of God and then carefully use words to craft biblical messages. When we preach, we pray that those words will convey life-changing truth to our hearers. But have you considered the fact that words are just a small portion of the communication process? Nonverbal communication can either reinforce or hinder your effectiveness as a biblical preacher. Included in the nonverbal communication process are your facial expressions and gestures; congruent ones will increase the impact of your sermon. If your nonverbal communication is not congruent with your words...