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6 Tips In How To Make and Deliver A Better Sermon

sermon deliveryMaking sermons is a must for every minister especially that we use to preach. Whenever we preach, we make sermons.
Usually, veteran pastors don’t do sermon manuscripts. They simply know what they are to say and deliver. They usually practice with their minds.
On the other hand, there are pastors that use sermon manuscripts just like me. I find it hard to preach without sermon manuscripts. But it doesn’t mean that I can’t preach without it. In fact, I can. It is simply harder than when I have one.
Whether you have a sermon manuscripts or not, the tips below in making and delivering sermon is very much applicable. So I highly suggest that you take note of this.

Tips On How To Make  And Deliver a Better Sermon

Present the points in positive way – There are lots of ways in presenting your sermon. You can do a progressive presentation, regressive presentation, enumeration form of presentation, point by point presentation, etc. No matter how you present your sermon points, present it in a positive form.
I really find it to have better results than presenting the sermon points in a negative way. To give you an example, consider this point:
Original: Wearing indecent dress in the church is wrong.
Revised: Wear better dress in coming church.
Highlight the positive things – Once you start developing positive format of sentence, you will have a better chance of highlighting positive things in the passage rather than the negative.
Example: Matthew 5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Highlighting “poor in spirit” will be more likely a negative presentation. But highlighting “for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” will be more likely a positive presentation.
Be creative in making points – There are several ways in implementing creativeness in making points. It is best if you will apply simple mnemonics. You can do some acronym like KISS (Keep It Short and Simple) and PUSH (Pray Until Somethings Happens).
You can also try using simple words starting with the same letters. Or you can start your points with the same 2 or 3 three words before the points.
Use good sermon illustrations – Illustrations are hard to find. You will need to do a little research in order to find a good one. I already have compiled some illustrations that you may want to check out. In choosing a good illustration, kindly visit my article that talks about hunting a good sermon illustrations.
Be creative in delivering sermon and illustration – Once you got a good sermon illustration, you should accompany it with creativeness. Just a few days ago, my friend Ptr. Eric Ortega, a professional story teller, taught me a good way to tell a story which can also be extremely useful in telling a serrmon illustration. I will cover the “how’s” of telling a story later. I can assure you, it is very rewarding to learn some skills on being creative.
Focus on God and not on men – It’s always better to focus on God all the time. People will disappoint you but not God. People may fail you, but not God.
Delivering sermon can really be painful at times especially when people tries to control you on what you are going to preach instead of what God is telling you to preach. But guess what, all you have to do is to stick with God and everything will just be fine.
For God is our greatest encourager and encouragement.
Try to keep this 6 simple tips in mind while you make sermon manuscripts and deliver sermons. Apply it and you’ll find it very helpful.


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