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Showing posts from February, 2019


It’s a New Hour The Dawning of a New Day A Great Refreshing is on the Way HOLY SPIRIT BREATHE on me Open Up my Eyes to SEE Open Up my Ears to Hear Illuminate, Instruct, and Inspire Raise me Up on Eagles Wings, and take me Higher Let me Feel the HeartBeat of Heaven in the Air Saturate me in Your HOLY Presence LORD, I Pray Let me Become Aware, of Your HOLY Presence Everywhere Take me Beyond the Veil, and into the Most HOLY Place Where I can SEE YOU LORD JESUS, Face to Face Where I can Hear Your HeartBeat LORD Beyond the Veil there is Intimacy, where the WORD of GOD will Speak to me LORD Write Your WORD Upon my Heart Renew my Strength and Impart, Fresh Anointing into my Heart LORD BREATHE into me, and Open Up my Eyes to SEE Let it be Like the Dawning of a New Day inside my Heart Yes, Like the Dawning of a New Day inside my Soul I SEE the Breaking of a New Day is About to Dawn The Breaking of a New Day is About to be Born The LIGHT of JESUS Breaks the darkness y...


4 Types Of Dreams And Their Meanings Helen Calder    16 July 2012    63 Comments on 4 Types Of Dreams And Their Meanings Some people dismiss the idea that dreams can have significance. Others believe that there is spiritual meaning in every dream and that all should be interpreted and taken seriously. I believe that the Biblical viewpoint lies somewhere in between these two extremes. 4 Dream Types Identifying which type of dream we have had can help us determine whether to consider a potential meaning in the dream, and what—if anything—to do with it. Here are four dream categories that I have personally found helpful: 1. Ordinary, Processing Dreams Dreaming is a natural function of the brain, occurring mainly during the REM stage of sleep. [1] I believe that it is not necessary to seek meaning in the majority of our dreams. Last night I watched a murder-mystery on DVD before I went to bed—something I usually avoid. Not surprisi...