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It is a wonderful thing to pause for a moment at midday and remember that God is with you. The first afternoon prayer on this page reflects on God’s goodness during the morning and asks for a deeper awareness of His presence through the rest of the day. Further down there is also a short prayer for the afternoon and two inspiring bible verses for meditation and reflection.

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Afternoon prayer of thanks to God Lord God,

We thank you for your goodness to us this morning, for the birdsong that lifted our hearts, for the nourishment and comfort of food and drink, and for the time spent with family and friends in fellowship.

Lead us to be more aware of your presence this afternoon and evening. May you dwell within all that we share and do.


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Short Afternoon Prayer Father,

My dependency is in you. This afternoon please come and be centre stage in my life. I offer you everything I am about to do and ask that you would receive it as an act of loving service to you.


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Afternoon Prayer

The bible encourages us to prayer continually. To help stay in a mind set of prayer to God, it is useful to have times in the day when we pause and give thanks, adore God or pour out our concerns to Him. Here are some short prayers for times in the afternoon when this might be appropriate:-

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