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The Bible is truly more of an anthology than a novel, and it is much easier to read it as such.

Is the Bible Still Relevant Today?

According to the most recent research conducted by Barna in 2017, 87% of American households own a Bible. But the question is, how many people are reading it? Like a lot of people who grew up in church and stayed around, I have accumulated several Bibles over the years. I still own my first "real" Bible, a King James Version that I received in my 3rd grade Sunday School class.
When I was young and feeling ambitious, I made the determined decision to read my Bible cover to cover. I stalled out somewhere in Leviticus and skipped to James, which seemed a bit more manageable and understandable. I bet I’m not the only one who has had this problem, and that is because the Bible isn’t really meant to be read that way. The Bible is truly more of an anthology than a novel, and it is much easier to read it as such. The lessons learned from the Bible are timeless, and the wisdom and salvation that it offered to people thousands of years ago continues to be just as powerful and just as relevant today and will continue to be so into the unforeseen future.
The word Bible, over time, has grown to be associated with anything religious such a Bible-thumper or the Bible Belt. The word Bible also suggests an all-encompassing book that claims to be an authority on any given subject, such as The Woodworkers Bible, The Real Estate Bible, The Car Owners Bible, and others. Basically, calling something a Bible gives it an air of importance and meaning. That is because, through the centuries, there has been no other book seen as relevant, meaningful and authoritative as the Bible.

What the Bible Itself Means.

Many ancient biblical scrolls dating back thousands of years are still in existence today. From the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and other ancient fragments of the Bible, we have confidence that the Bible we hold in our hands today is the same Bible that has existed for centuries. The words we read are the same as the words that were given to the original writers. That in itself is astounding. We now have access to the Bible everywhere: in print, on our phones, on our computers, the Word of God continues to be meaningful and so very relevant.
The fact that the Bible itself continues to be such a strong influence in today’s world is a testament to its timeless meaning and applications. The King James translators called it “that inestimable treasure that excelleth all the riches of the earth.” All these years later, this seems to be the most fitting description of what the Bible means.

Jason Soroski is a homeschool dad and author of A Journey to Bethlehem: Inspiring Thoughts for Christmas and Hope for the New Year. He serves as worship pastor at Calvary Longmont in Colorado and spends his weekends exploring the Rocky Mountains with his family. Connect on TwitterInstagram, or at
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/Arrangements-Photography


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