5-Part Dreams Course (Part 1 of 5)
3 Prayers To Stop
All Kinds Of Dream Attacks
... Starting Tonight
Every victorious prayer warrior has a collection of prayers that brings great deliverance and victory in the dream.
In the next 7 minutes I’m going to show you the A-B-C of how to pray so that you can understand the meaning of your dreams...
... and learn the prayers to put an end to all the bad dreams and nightmares you have been experiencing up to now ... starting tonight.
This is for you if…
ü You dream of having sex in the dream with known and unknown persons.
ü You’re constantly seeing dead relatives or loved ones long dead in your dreams.
ü You dream of sitting for exams (and not able to finish before you wake up).
ü You dream of going back to the old house you lived in as a child ... or having contact with dead parents ... or being naked... or in vehicles with unknow drivers.
Let me explain:
It is dangerous to have these kinds of dreams and not know what to do ... OR worse, to forget the dreams once you wake up.
These are destiny-destroying dreams. If you do nothing about them, they are likely to bring hindrances in many areas of your life such as marriage, career, finances, and many more.
Know the meaning of your dreams... and learn how to pray about them can bring so many of God's blessings into your life...
ü If you have any debts weighing you down, they are cancelled miraculously (and you begin to experience the peace of mind that freedom from debt brings).
ü Your relationships are instantly restored (you begin to spend your days and nights worry-free).
ü Even dream attacks and nightmares disappear (leaving only the prophetic dreams where you hear the LORD speak loving words to you, giving you step-by-step guidance in every decision of life).
Please note this one thing:
That you can STOP all bad dreams and nightmares this very night, without having to run around in panic looking for help.
No matter how many dream attacks you had in the past ... as soon as you begin to have victory in your dream, the blessings that had eluded you in the past will suddenly begin to manifest in the your life.
Like the woman who just sent me this email ...
... after I taught her 3 prayers against spirit spouses. These wicked entities used to have sex with her in the dream.
Notice the second email from Miss V.
The HUGE financial release only happened after she got her victory in the dream.
What would happen if you do not listen to what I'm saying to you now...
OR ... if you choose to do nothing about your dream attacks today?
You may continue to swim in debt (God forbid), wallow in lack, poverty and shame, and watch your life gradually and painfully squeezed out of you...
... through endless attacks in the dream as you sleep, and in the real world when you awake.
That means you see …
How do I know?
defeated the enemy in the dream
Irene is from South Africa.
She once suffered so much at the hands of the enemy.
It would usually appear in her dream trying to bite her.
This constant harassment in her dream resulted in her being rejected by her fiance. Her relationship fell apart mysteriously.
At her workplace, the situation went from bad to worse. She got fired.
Then she came across my teaching on dream attacks and the prayers to address them.
Shortly after she sent this email:
How is it possible to share a testimony like this?
There are just 3 keys you need to know
There is a reason the one who left her is now back in the relationship.
There is a reason the evil letter from her workplace has been cancelled. It can all be traced to her prayer victory ... against that wicked ancestral serpent that had been attacking her for so long. Enough about those already using these dream/prayer secrets. Let's talk about you. You are sent to this world to do what nobody else can do. You are unique, unlike any other. The LORD has gifted you with unique gifts, unlike any other. Your potentials are unique, unlike any other. However, the enemy can stealthily rob you of all these in the dream. Unless you learn 3 simple keys:
Key #1: Know the meaning of your dreams and the prayers to address
each of them (so you do not end up praying amiss).
Key #2: Use the right spiritual weapons to target your exact
problem during prayer (there are over 100 of such weapons in the Bible).
Key #3: Learn how to pray and dissolve all kinds of dream attacks
(starting tonight). |
1. Prayer for the Morning Heavenly Father, I do not fear this day, for you are with me wherever I might go, your light to shine ahead, your footsteps to lead the way. I do not fear this day, for your word will be my guide. Your strength will sustain me and your love revive me, this day and all days. I do not fear this day, for you are with me. In the name of Christ, I call upon you. Amen. For Love Lord God, I thank you for all the love you have shown me: the love of family, the love of friends and fellow believers, and above all the inestimable love of my Lord Jesus Christ, which showers me and washes away the soil of this world. Like a great waterfall it gushes without ceasing, overwhelming every sin and pain the world can dish out. Forgive my failures to love you fully in return, Lord. Forgive me for all the times I have disappointed those who love me or have disappointed you by failing those who might not even know who I am, but whom you have given...
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