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13 Strong Prayers for Your Dad

13 Strong Prayers for Your Dad

Fatherhood is no easy task. It requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and love. These strong prayers for your dad will lift him up to the Lord and help to strengthen and encourage his own walk with Christ.

Prayer #1

Father, thank you for my dad. Please continue and complete your work in him, granting that he may walk with you like Enoch, believe you like Abraham, obey you like Isaac, wrestle with you like Jacob, know your hand on his life like Joseph, speak face-to-face with you like Moses, win victories for you like Gideon, speak boldly for you like Elijah, worship you like David, see you high and lifted up like Isaiah, and carry Jesus’ cross like Simon of Cyrene.

Prayer #2

Bless every father and every grandfather with the best of your spiritual blessings today. Let him know he is not alone in the tasks you have given him to provide for and support those under his care. Show him how much you delight in his work, and affirm the value of whatever You have given him to do—both as a father or grandfather and as a child of Yours. Confirm his worth daily so he has no reason to doubt whether he is loved in the eyes of his Heavenly Father.
Create in him a deep sense of trust in You, knowing that He can count on You to help him lead and protect those dependent on him. Let him know that every unselfish act of love and encouragement he has offered has been a gift that You receive gladly. Show him how effective the prayers of a godly man really are, and what a difference he has and can make to those around him, no matter how big or small the assignment.
In Jesus’s name, Amen

Prayer #3

Father God,
Demonstrate to him Your amazing grace and forgiveness as he seeks to love and to know you with all of his heart, soul, and mind. Release him from unwanted burdens of false guilt, and bless him for his willingness to keep short accounts with You, forgiving both himself and others. Help him to see his children or grandchildren through Your eyes, realizing that in Your hands is the safest place they can ever be. Strengthen his confidence in the Only One who can bring good out of any situation.
Teach him how to meet the needs of his child’s life that are within his ability to do so, but help Him to trust You for the rest. Push out any needless fears, and grant to him godly wisdom and spiritual guidance to lead and direct those precious children in Your path, knowing he must also release them into Your hands with prayerful love.
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Give him a passionate faith, a persevering spirit, and a powerful testimony that overcomes any weakness or doubt, as he wears the armor of God daily You have provided for him as a spiritual leader and child of God.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer #4

Dear God, I thank you for my husband. I thank you for letting this man come into and complete my life. I delight in making him happy and caring for him. I am so grateful for how he loves me and cares for me. You know that there are days that we get on each other’s nerves, but today, I’m so grateful that this man completes my life and that you have given him to me to love and cherish all the days of my life. Amen.

Prayer #5

God, according to the riches of Your glory, grant my dad to be strengthened with power through Your Spirit in his inner being, so that Christ may dwell in his heart through faith–that he, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that he may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Prayer #6

Lord, you know my husband and you have blessed him. I thank you for his gifts and for his love for me and for our children. I love him so much. And, I worry about him so much. Keep him in your care and help us to stay close. Help us face the difficulties we must face together. Help us live a long life together, if that is your will. I ask you this, in Jesus’ name.

Prayer #7

Dear God, the Father of us all, I thank you for my father. Along with my mother, through the marvel of your creation, my father gave me the gift of life itself. He was such a good teacher and mentor, such a wonderful example of how to live a life of faith. Please take care of him now and be generous with him as you prepare him for the rewards of eternal life you have prepared for him.

Prayer #8

Father of Life, I thank you for my father. He was such a blessing to me while he was still with us. I still miss him so much. I thank you for what he left me as gifts of love and faith. I pray that he has enjoyed your embrace and that the relationship he and I have now might someday be renewed with you in heaven. Until then, I entrust him to your love and ask you to let him look out for me and to assist me to stay on the path to you.
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Prayer #9

God of love, you know what my husband is going through. The pressure he is under really scares me. I can see the toll it takes on him. I try to comfort him, to be patient with him, to help him enjoy a different world at home. Please watch out for him and protect him. Don’t let him face more than he can bear. I don’t know what I’d do without him. Thank you, Lord, for listening to my prayer. Hold him in your most loving heart, I pray.

Prayer #10

God of Love, I come before you to pray for my father. You know how much he suffered and you alone fully know how much was wounded and broken in him. I feel so sad, and at times I feel so angry, so cheated, because I couldn’t have a good relationship with him. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life resenting my father, so I turn to you to hold him up to you. I know you are a God of mercy. Forgive him and heal him. Please let that forgivenss touch my heart as well. I want to forgive him and know the peace of letting go of those hurts – or at least the peace of not letting them continue to hurt me. I pray for him because I want what is best for him. I want him to know you and to know your love for him. One day, in your loving embrace, may all the wounds in his heart be healed.

Prayer #11

Dear God, the Father of us all, I thank you for my father. Along with my mother, through the marvel of your creation, my father gave me the gift of life itself. He was such a good teacher and mentor, such a wonderful example of how to live a life of faith. Please take care of him now and be generous with him as you prepare him for the rewards of eternal life you have prepared for him.

Prayer #12

Lord, we pray specifically for fathers and fatherhood across our land. We thank You for the men who are leading according to Your statutes and the ones that are laying their lives down for Your purposes. We pray that You will continue to use these men to lead their families and other men. We pray You will strengthen the fathers of our nation and that You will continue to empower churches, organizations, and individuals to invest in fathers and fatherhood for the sake of our children. Amen.

Prayer #13

Jesus, we pray for the dads out there who are being alienated from their children right now. We pray, oh Lord, that You would shield and shelter them from the pain and possibly the anger that may be rising up in them, for You to strike down the barriers that are hindering these dads from seeing their children. God, do not let this destroy them as men, fathers, or in their relationship with You. They need You in a mighty way and we pray You would show Yourself strong on behalf of anyone that is being alienated from their children and that You would reunite these families together.
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This is a nation that is desperate not only for our earthly fathers to rise up to the challenge, but more importantly, that they need to follow You, Father, as their ultimate guide and example. Amen.


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